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Dear 2019


Updated: Dec 31, 2019

I’m leaving this here.

What I thought at one point would be the worst year of my life, has turned out to be one of the best. I had no idea there would be so many surprises in store, so much adventure, so many laughs, new friendships, and rekindled old ones. I am glad to put this year of so much behind me and see what 2020 has in store. But, before moving on to new things, I need to put this year’s experiences to rest.

First off, I’d like to say why I started my blog. I have wanted to do it for years and the timing just never felt right. I’ve been told my whole life that I was a strong writer and I’ve been known to have opinions about things.

I don’t write my blog because it’s “therapeutic.” If I did that, I would just keep a journal and put it under my pillow each night. I write because I think we all go through similar experiences, we often just bottle them up and don’t share it with the world. I don’t write to provoke anyone, or upset someone by what I had to say on my own, personal blog. No, I write for the many, many people who have contacted me thanking me for what I write. I write to encourage and inspire people, and if even one person gets something out of what I have to say it was worthwhile in my eyes.

I’m not here to make anyone think that I’m perfect. That is far from the truth, I’m just a girl with thoughts, a website, and a keyboard. I never send anyone the link to my posts unless they specifically ask me for it. The only medium I share it on is Facebook, where only people I am friends with can see it. Unless you see it one of those two ways, you would have to be keeping up with the blog via the website itself. I don’t force anyone to read, share, or comment on anything I say. If you click on the link you read my post, it’s because you wanted to read it….

As stated in the disclaimer on the website, “The words written on this site are expressions of my own thoughts and opinions.” If you don’t like what I have to say, no one is forcing you to keep clicking.

Now to address some comments that have been made….

I have moved on from my past, and if someone can’t see that it’s probably because I cut toxic people out of my life a few months ago. That doesn’t mean that what I went through didn’t happen. Certainly no one has the right to tell me what I can and can’t talk about on my own blog.

My life is great right now and I am happier than I have been at any point in the past few years. I have not tried to “blatantly keep writing negatively” about anyone. My blog is my space and I can talk about anything that I want to talk about. If you take offense to it, maybe you should check and see why… or maybe you should just decide not to read it.

I wrote most of this months ago and debated whether or not to share it, but at the end of the day I grew too much this year to let anyone continue to weigh me down.

I hope 2020 brings great things to you all.


The Happiest Version of Me



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